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I have been working in the field of Web Design for almost two decades. Over the years, I have built a diverse range of skills, qualities and attributes that help me to consider the human experience in its most different facets.

Here I mention just a few places where I worked. You can check out my full experience, courses, certifications and publications on my Linkedin profile or download

my Curriculum Vitae.


  • LinkedIn

2015 - 2017


My main concern here was to improve the user experience with the Real-Time Manager platform and its new features. At that time I was the only designer in the company, so I did what was necessary (surveys, interviews, questionnaires, user personas, create interfaces, etc.) to achieve that.

2012 - 2014


​Below are a few projects I worked on:

  • 2014 World Cup: design of widgets, scoreboard and technical sheet, to illustrate the 2014 World Cup games in the content pages.

  • 2013 Confederations Cup: design of Terra special coverage of the Confederations Cup.

  • CMS migration and UX standardization for Spain: standardization of content structure, design and user experience.

  • New Portal - Content: design of the new content page. Photos, videos and gallery in new formats.


2015 - 2017


MA in Economics

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

My master's thesis was an essay on agents' conception of rationality in investment theories. Behavioral Economics is very interesting. The recognition that people are subject to cognitive limitations, provides more realistic analysis methodologies and, therefore, more acuity in understanding social phenomena.

2007 - 2013


BA in Philosophy

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Philosophy classes were pure love. I was able to see the world, human life, the Consumer Society from different angles. It was a life changing experience.

2001 - 2005


BA in Social Communication

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

I enjoyed learning about design, consumer behavior and how things work in the advertising world. It was also my first contact with Philosophy in the discipline of "Philosophy of Communication", it was captivating. My undergraduate dissertation was a research about the representations of social classes by advertisers. I found that most "creatives" were prejudiced. Especially with the poorer classes. Most of the statements in the interviews were disgusting. I was ashamed of my fellow professionals.

1995 - 1998

Colégio Cristo Redentor

TD in Data Processing

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

The first time I heard about the importance of designing an interface that optimizes the usability and navigability of a system was in Software Ergonomics. At the time I was learning to program and I thought it was a fantastic idea. After all, who would use the system would not be robots, but people, right? Such a simple idea, but one that still finds resistance in some places.


Portuguese (native)

English (professional working proficiency)

Italian (elementary proficiency)

Spanish (elementary proficiency)

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